I’m fortunate to work for a company that provides fathers with a significant amount of parental leave. I’ll be looking after my daughter for the next 3 months while my wife goes back to work. Its a full time job looking after her, so its not like I’ll have lots of time because I’m off work. That said I’ll have some time when she naps and want to put some of that energy into my blog to keep it going.

First I finally decided to get a domain! For how little these things cost I’ve been putting it off for a long time. I originally called this blog While Gaming as it was originally focused on my boardgaming hobby. Over time though I’ve found it more useful for tracking other things, my impressions of games, books, what I learn just putting this site together etc. When looking for a domain whilegaming . com is currently being squatted on and I’m not that investing in all of this to pay $1,000s! after some searching it turned out www.whileblogging.com was available with no significant mark up on the standard price!

This works well for me as I can consolidate all my theme’s under the While- bracket and ‘blogging’ seems a generic enough term to use across them. Also its an easy address to tell people. So I’ve updated the home page to highlight the most recent from each theme rather then just the blog. The blog will still focus on my gaming but also means I can go broader when I feel like it. While Gaming will focus on short impressions of what I play, and given I’ve been playing more computer games with Covid going on, I’ve expanded to cover those too. While Reading will be the same for the books I read. Hopefully people will find these useful.

I’m also adding a While Coding section to cover similar short pieces on my profession. While I don’t do a huge amount of coding any more, as I’ve moved to management, I thought While Working was too generic. Here I’ll put short thoughts I have on the software development industry, and technology tidbits I’ve come across.

I hope having my own domain will encourage me to share this site more with others, and so others find value in it. For me its about having a place to record my thoughts and learning somewhere I have more control then on social media sites, but hopefully it can help others too.