Outer Wilds was a game I picked up while on my paternity leave. At its core it is a game about exploration and mystery. It blew me away, the mechanics of the game, the theme, the music, the story, the visuals, basically everything completely captivated me and it is now one of my favorite games. Just the first few notes of the intro music is enough to send me reminiscing.

I would love to speak in more detail but it is game of mystery and I would not want to spoil it for anyone. All I’ll say is if you like non-linear exploration / mystery games you should give it a try.

Echoes of the Eye

Recently I learned an expansion for it had been released, Echoes of the Eye. I quickly picked up a copy and dove back into Outer Wilds. I can say we confidence the expansion does not disappoint. In many ways it is very much a similar story but it does what great expansions do which is provide more of what made the core game great while adding its own uniqueness. Again I don’t want to spoil too much here, if you enjoyed Outer Wilds definitely pick this up!

What next?

Playing it again had me yearning to enjoy the memory of the game for longer, surfing around reddit I came across its subreddit and found these amazing replicas of the games spaceship in lego! So now I have my next project and just in time, as I’m about to go on paternity leave for my second child!