I started this blog to share my thoughts on boardgaming and to practice some of my software development skills. It has since evolved into much more, enjoy!

While Gaming

Rajas of the Ganges July 18, 2023 A worker placement game where you also use dice as resources. Play centers around a main board but each player also builded a little village with Carcassonne-esque tiles. I enjoyed it and would play again.

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While Reading

One Billion Years to the End of the World - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky February 28, 2023 A bizarre and surreal novel about a mathematician on the verge of a break through who keeps getting interrupted. Very much a Strugatsky book, I enjoyed reading it but its hard to decide if anything real actually happens in it!

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While Coding

Where there is a will, there is a way. April 30, 2023 With my Shelley Energy Monitor showing me what I was generating and what was going to grid, I needed a better way yo visualize it. Google Sheets has a great feature called App Script that allows you to write small progams that will run regularly. After getting back into the coding I was able to whip up a small script to pull the data directly from the device using Shelley's cloud api, and with the data on in one sheet it was easy to create a nice graph. Now I can see in one glance what my energy usage is like and start build a full years worth of data.

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While Blogging

ChatGPT & Boardgame Clubs May 22, 2023 What ChatGPT thinks makes successful clubs read more

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